Finding peace is hard enough as it is. You should probably do whatever you can to protect it whenever you do find it. Whether that’s casting aside anything and anyone that harms that peace, or something as simple as meditating as needed when stress or anxiety starts overtaking you.
Let me be clear, I am in no way telling you to abstain from processing things, working through them, attempting to grow. Mainly because if you don’t, that shit can kill you. I’ve watched people close to me become ill and have health problems largely because they stuff that shit deep down until it literally infects every part of them. Eventually it spills out, but never is emptied, it’s more like a pressure valve that trips but doesn’t fully vent the system. It then just becomes a vicious cycle of feeling like shit because you can’t deal with anything uncomfortable, and feeling uncomfortable because you feel like shit. If this sounds like you, then congrats because being self aware, and that is the first step in working through it.
Put in the work where it counts, not on those who attempt to disrupt your peace, or growth, but on yourself and how to effectively protect that peace while still being able to process the hard things, take solace in your attempts at growth. And most importantly, count them as a win.
Be just a little fucking better than who you were yesterday. A little bit smarter, a little bit nicer, a little bit more honest with yourself. Count your wins, but most importantly, discard anything and anyone that doesn’t count them with you.
Hope all is well in the land of you.