
Currently I’m sitting on a ship going 21.1 knots headed back to Galveston where I departed a week ago. This is my 4th 7+ day Cruise and I find myself always in the same mindset heading into the last day. “Okay, this was fun, but let’s get home.” I’m ready to see Jack, I’m ready to get back to work, I’m ready to resume work on the house.

Speaking of the house, When I get home I should be able to move the guest room dresser in there and finally put a bow on that room, minus maybe a piece of wall art or two. I’m pretty fucking proud of how that room has turned out and can’t wait to move on to the next one. Which will be the Kitchen, I’m starting out with installing cabinet and drawer pulls and I have new pendant lights and a faucet to put in there. I’m assuming back splash will be next but it can wait a bit.

But really what I wanted to talk about is time blocks. How they have served me, how they define me and how I use them to prioritize things. Having “Okay what’s next” on my mind ahead of being home really helps me take a mental inventory of what it is that I need to put priority on. If I had to rank things right now in order, here is where I would put them:

1. Working out – Non negotiable, has too many benefits in all areas to be skipped.

2. Meditating – Can typically get away with this either very late in the day or right before bed but it surely helps quiet my hectic mind.

3. Cleaning – Its easy as fuck assuming everything has a home and you stay on top of it. I’ve been actively making sure the house stays clean since about July and man has it been pretty easy and beneficial.

4. Work – Blah Blah, it’s my job, it pays me so I give it the attention it deserves, its not my purpose but Its necessary, I’m good at it, and I like it.

5. Helping – Notice I didn’t say volunteering, I think just over all “helping others” is the right mindset to have, whether that’s volunteering, calling a friend to check on them, or as I’ve done every chance I’ve gotten this week, seeing someone try to take a selfie with a group and volunteering to take the photo for them. It’s simple, it costs nothing and people are appreciative. We could argue that helping should be higher on the list but here is what I’ve learned recently, you can’t help others if you’re a fucking mess yourself so get your shit in order first.

6. Hobbies – I purposely put this lower on the list because I tend to have a lot of hobbies. And considering I found a new one this week in Scuba (Loved it so much more than I thought I would) I find myself having to time box how much time I spend on them otherwise necessary shit won’t get done. Video Games, Shooting Sports, Spending time with friends, House projects. any one of those things could monopolize my free time if I let it and in the past some of them have. I give myself 2-4 hours a night to spend on those things. It seems to strike a balance and it keeps things in order. Granted some of the hobbies run wild on weekends sometimes but fuck it, it’s the weekend, I do what I want.

Some of you may notice that Jack isn’t on this list, Jack is a constant, not a priority. He goes above all of these things.

This week has been a good reset button for my mind, and soul. And now, I’m ready to fuckin get after it.

Peace, Love and Ken Paxton Sucks.
