
Recently, I’ve come to realize that I rely on Jack more than he relies on me. This hasn’t always been the case, but he’s become my dearest friend, my cuddle companion, Puffle Bunny. As I write, he rests at my feet, lost in dreams. He’s my constant companion, an astute judge of character, and possesses an insatiable love for food.

While I’ve shared wonderful moments with Jack over the nearly three years of our companionship, there have been a few instances where I fell short as a pet owner. One incident involved leaving grapes on my desk, which he ingested, leading to a distressing two-day stay at the Veterinary ER. Witnessing his discomfort broke me, and I was heartbroken to leave him behind, unable to communicate that it was for his well-being. Fortunately, he recovered, but the memory still lingers, although I’ve managed to overcome the anxiety it triggered about leaving him alone.

Another regrettable experience was boarding him at a place called Creekside Vet for three days. It was a dismal experience; he struggled to adapt, and the staff’s lackluster care compounded the issue. I’ve since learned from these missteps and moved forward.

He’s also faced his own share of challenges, coping with loss in his unique way. While he may not fully comprehend, I’ve watched him gaze at the door, yearning for those who never returned. Witnessing his longing was tough, but he’s since grown past it, no longer fixated on the doorway, which has eased my own pain.

On a positive note, Jack has forged new bonds recently. As my travel commitments have increased, I’ve found an exceptional house and dog sitter to care for him during my absences. Additionally, the presence of friends and family has helped ease his anxiety around new people. His separation anxiety has gradually improved as well, as my absences become more routine and our home remains quiet.

He is my world, my everything and it is my job to give him the best life in whatever form that takes. I am so lucky and blessed to have him and I only hope he feels the same way about me.

This is the first post I’m writing that I’m not going to password protect, we will see what the consensus is.

Peace, love, and fuck your ego.
